

package Geography::JapanesePrefectures::Walker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Encode;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq firstval/;
use Geography::JapanesePrefectures;

sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $encoding = shift || 'utf8';
my $param = {
encoding => $encoding,
bless $param, $class;

*isa = \&UNIVERSAL::isa;

sub prefectures_infos {
my $self = shift;

sub encode_to {
my($self, $stuff) = @_;
sub {
my $val = shift;

sub apply { ## no critic
my $self = shift;
my $code = shift;

my $keyapp = sub { $code->(shift) };

my $curry; # recursive so can't init
$curry = sub {
my @retval;
for my $arg (@_){
my $class = ref $arg;
croak 'blessed reference forbidden'
if !$self->{apply_blessed} and blessed $arg;
my $val =
!$class ?
$code->($arg) :
isa($arg, 'ARRAY') ?
[ $curry->(@$arg) ] :
isa($arg, 'HASH') ?
map { $keyapp->($_)
=> $curry->($arg->{$_}) } keys %$arg
} :
isa($arg, 'SCALAR') ?
\do{ $curry->($$arg) } :
isa($arg, 'REF') && $self->{apply_ref} ?
\do{ $curry->($$arg) } :
isa($arg, 'GLOB') ?
*{ $curry->(*$arg) } :
isa($arg, 'CODE') && $self->{apply_code} ?
$code->($arg) :
croak "I don't know how to apply to $class" ;
bless $val, $class if blessed $arg;
push @retval, $val;
return wantarray ? @retval : $retval[0];

sub prefectures {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
return [ map { {
id => $_->{id} ,
name => $_->{name},
region => $_->{region},
} } @$prefs ];

sub prefectures_name_for_id {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
my $pref = firstval { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{id} eq $args->{id} } @$prefs;
return $pref->{name};

sub prefectures_name {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
return map { $_->{name} } @$prefs;

sub prefectures_regions {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
return uniq map { $_->{region} } @$prefs;

sub prefectures_name_for_region {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
return map { $_->{name} }
grep { $_->{region} eq $args->{region} }

sub prefectures_id_for_name {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

my $prefs = $self->prefectures_infos;
my $pref = firstval { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{name} eq $args->{name} } @$prefs;
return $pref->{id};
